Yoga Flourish

Healing Harp and Yin
with Sharron Cutts

September 11 (Sunday)
at 3:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

In studio - 1/1 Binley Place, Maddington

The soothing and healing vibrations of the harp and the sublime Yin practice get you to take that well needed pause within the pose while your breath and let the mind sit in stillness.

The time spent in postures will help the surrounding connective tissues to open and release your muscles.

Those that have attended this event before will know it's an experience like no other and one to truly be experienced and embodied.

Sharron Cutts will guide you through Yin Yoga which is a slower paced, passive style of yoga. The practice involves variations of seated, kneeling and lying down poses that are held for around three to five minutes. It gently stretches and revitalises the connective tissues such as the ligaments, tendons and fascia. This helps to lubricate and protect the joints, increase flexibility and mobility in the body.

The series of passive poses work to relax the muscles and cultivates stillness in the mind. All this with the soothings vibrations of the harp played by Ella. 

Bring everything you need to make yourself totally comfortable as we will not have them for loan eg. Blocks, strap, pillow or bolster, blanket, eye pillow or the Myofascial release balls to help you intensify the release

And if you need to, do go to our store if you want to order a few props you don't have.

Note: If you would like to order more than one ticket, you will need to provide phone number name and email address of accompanying person/s.

Exchange $29.00


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